Course Title: Dissertation
Course Code: UEL-LA-7000
Programme: LLM
Credits: 60.00
Course Description:
Main aim(s) of the module:
The aim of the dissertation is to enable Students to initiate and carry through an academic inquiry outside the formal structure of the taught LLM Modules. Students select their own field of research and build on the knowledge and skills acquired in the taught LLM Modules.
Learning Outcomes for the module
At the end of this module, students will be able to:
1. have a high level of competence in a chosen area of Law.
2. have a specialist knowledge of a situation, critical issue, doctrinal, theoretical, historical or policy- related issue in a chosen area of law.
Thinking skills
3 critically evaluate materials in a chosen area of law.
4. develop a systematic argument or analysis of a chosen area of law.
Subject-based practical skills
5. research issues in a chosen area of law.
6. will be a specialist the area of the dissertation
Skills for life and work (general skills)
7. will have transferable skills in research and writing
8. can contribute to professional practice and policy formation.
Typical Module duration: 24.0 Week(s)