Big Data Analytics
Course Title: Big Data Analytics
Course Code: UEL-CN-7031
Programme: MSc Big Data Technologies
Credits: 30.00
Course Description:
Summary of module for applicants:
This module aims to provide students with the core theoretical and practical background required for big data analytics and developing big data systems. It will provide you with an insight into areas of big data management and advanced analytics. You will develop in-depth practical skills through using tools and techniques from the forefront of the emerging field of data analytics.
Main topics of study:
- Introduction to Big Data
- Setting up Big Data Stack
- Big Data Applications
- Data Acquisition
- Big Data Storage
- Batch Analysis
- Real-time Analysis
- Advanced Analytics
- Big Data Visualisation
- Legal, Social, Ethical Issues with Big Data Applications
Learning Outcomes for the module
- Digital Proficiency - Code = (DP)
- Industry Connections - Code = (IC)
- Emotional Intelligence Development - Code = (EID)
- Social Intelligence Development - Code = (SID)
- Physical Intelligence Development - Code = (PID)
- Cultural Intelligence Development - Code = (CID)
- Cognitive Intelligence Development – Code = (COI)
- Community Connections - Code = (CC)
- UEL Give-Back - Code = (UGB)
At the end of this module, students will be able to:
- Explain the current and emerging concepts, technologies and principles relevant to Big Data analytics. (DP)
- Illustrate understanding of the current advanced techniques, tools and methods applicable on Big Data visualisation and applications. (DP)
Thinking skills
- Examine approaches for preparing Big Data from different and heterogeneous data sets. (DP)
- Critically evaluate appropriate visualization techniques within a business context. (COI)
Subject-based practical skills
- Design, implement, and test a system working with Big Data. (DP)
- Utilise batch and real-time Big Data and their visualisations effectively. (DP)
Skills for life and work (general skills)
- Work effectively in groups to develop a software project. (SID)
- Present Big Data analytics to technical and non-technical audiences. (DP, SID)
Typical Module duration: 12.0 Week(s)