Research skills and Dissertation
Course Title: Research skills and Dissertation
Course Code: UEL-EG-7020
Programme: MSc Construction Engineering Management
Credits: 60.00
Course Description:
Summary of module for applicants:
This module develops student’s skills of independent academic research, review, analysis, argument and self-expression in a field of study. Students will explore their critical knowledge and understanding of research and develop their personal skills when managing a moderately large project. This module will enable students to integrate skills of analysis, judgment and communication in order to present results both orally and in the form of a structured scientific or philosophical thesis.
Main topics of study:
- search methods and data sources;
- Proposal
- The Scientific Method
- Referencing
- An area of research study, which must be derived from each student’s, own study pathway.
- Presentation and communication skills;
- Preparing a dissertation and meeting the criteria by which it is assessed.
Learning Outcomes for the module
- Digital Proficiency - Code = (DP)
- Industry Connections - Code = (IC)
- Emotional Intelligence Development - Code = (EID)
- Social Intelligence Development - Code = (SID)
- Physical Intelligence Development - Code = (PID)
- Cultural Intelligence Development - Code = (CID)
- Community Connections - Code = (CC)
- UEL Give-Back - Code = (UGB)
At the end of this module, students will be able to:
- Identify and apply appropriate research methodologies. (EDI)
- Make value judgements in defining issues and in undertaking analysis (SID)
Thinking skills
- Critically reflect on data produced (DP)
- Critically reflect on the ethical consideration and broader research integrity of the chosen research topic (CC)
Subject-based practical skills
- Frame a research project (PID)
- Critically review related literature subject (SID)
Skills for life and work (general skills)
- Data collection and analysis (DP)
- Manage time effectively (SID)
- Present an appropriately structured report. (CID)
- Deliver a presentation on a chosen research topic.(CC)
Typical Module duration: 24.0 Week(s)