Developing as a Researcher Part 1
Course Title: Developing as a Researcher Part 1
Course Code: UEL-GC-7416
Programme: MSc Business Psychology
Credits: 30.00
Course Description:
- Discovering research methods in applied psychology
- Reviewing previous literature with a critical eye
- Developing research questions
- Choosing a methodology: quantitative or qualitative or a mixed methods design?
- Considering ethical implications
- Writing a literature review
- Presenting your research proposal
1. Develop your knowledge in occupational and business psychology by undertaking a critical review of literature.
2. Demonstrate an understanding of the main quantitative and qualitative data collection and analysis methods
Thinking skills
3. Demonstrate the ability to conceptualise, develop and articulate a clear rationale explaining the need for the chosen research.
Subject-based practical skills
4. Demonstrate the ability to produce research questions and/or hypotheses.
Skills for life and work (general skills)
5. Demonstrate written communication skills appropriate for a literature review appropriate for a professional readership.
6. Demonstrate competence in presenting and discussing research findings.
Typical Module duration: 12.0 Week(s)